Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Someday I will...

Most people try to make resolutions on January 1st. I am not a fan of the practice. I used to be like “most people”, and unfortunately that means that I was really like most people and broke the resolutions almost as easily as I made them.

So now, I resolve to not resolve. If I happen to break that resolution...

I’ve been thinking a lot about New Year’s resolutions, about why people make them, why they break them, and why pick January 1st. I *get* that people choose January 1st to start a new better way of living because we are starting a new calendar, a new and untarnished year, but, consider the following:

A new year does not have to start on January 1st.

We start a new year of life on whatever day of the (calendar) year we were born. For me that would be September 16th. I could start better habits that day. Then there are other cultural new years. We just had the Chinese New Year. (It’s now the Year of the Dragon…in case you hadn’t heard.) Many religions honor a new year on different days. Schools use a different year. Remember? Start in late summer and get off again in early summer.

You can start your “new better way of living” year any day you want to. You can start today. You can start tomorrow. You can start next week and again next month. You can start every day.

Why not start every day with a new resolve, rather than every year with a new resolution.

How many people say “I’ll do *something* someday”? (Fill in that blank with whatever *something* is for you.) What if you keep saying that? Day after day, year after year…We only get so many days in a lifetime. Maybe it’s time to stop talking about doing *something someday* and start DOING it. If it’s something that you need to make preparations for (save money, learn a skill, etc.) then start making those preparations. Put aside some money. Learn that skill. Gather materials.

Live your life. Don’t wait for the elusive “someday”. Someday is now.


  1. oh I have all the materials, generally I am prepared. however, i can never find all the right stuff for the task at hand when needed. and all the materials have taken over. i used the 4 wheeler and wagon and cleaned out the cellar, barn, house and little by little, over the past 4 months, the materials are clearing out and in a great celebration of gas, heat and fanfare as i throw the gasoline soaked limb onto the pile ~~generously soaked with gasoline also and covered with brush and papers and such as to make it look good, as if anyone really cared and run like you know what. it's one of Charleigh-Anne's most favorite things to do if she becomes aware that i am in the prep of doing on. (conditions must be right; wind not blowing 50mph is about the only thing to stop us now~~ the water no longer drains off the soil when it rains here, the soil sloughs from a higher elevation to a lower one, dragging anything it can with it.

    sorry about rambling. lots on my mind. and its a big place when your all alone.

  2. and also have seriously been considering blogging again regularly. don't know i want to just pick up where i left off or go in a different direction with some ideas i have been kicking around.
