Saturday, July 21, 2012


Sometimes you think you have your life figured out, then all of a sudden the chance to make decisions comes your way.

I wasn't looking for situations that require decision making, but a phone call pushed a lot of my recently "settled" thoughts spiraling into question mode. I won't go into the details, but my decision in this matter will not be an easy one. It has to be my decision, and mine alone. Other people will be forced to make decisions of their own after I make mine, and their options will be based on my outcome. Sound complicated? It is.

No matter which way I choose, there will be good and bad outcomes.

I won't dwell on it more right now. It is giving me a headache, and since health will be one of the things to consider I won't push it right now.

Speaking of health...I guess I should have gone to get checked out after that amazing fall I had seven weeks ago. I'll be seeing a specialist in a few days about some of the damage that just won't go away. Fun times. (note sarcasm)